Arrived in SLC just fine?couldn?t be happier with your product or service.-DeWitt
Dear Shanko, Thank you so much for your generous contribution to the Arboleda family's new home! Words cannot describe how much we appreciate your dedication and time spent on making this home a success! We would not be able to continue helping families without the support of vendors like you! Thank you for working with us to help make a difference in the lives of such a deserving family! All the best, The ENME Design Team
David Craib here from Ottawa, Canada Just wanted you to know the tin ceiling we bought from you has been installed and looks ridiculously ?amazing. Painted it semi gloss white and it is wonderful wonderful. Installed it on furring strips, so I could level the slightly not level ceiling So thanks And thanks for the help whenever I phoned. We may start a trend here in Ottawa...... David
...and it looks ridiculously ?amazing...