Mr. Shafer recently received a letter from descendants of the original owner of the East Elm Street store, along with a photograph of the proprietor taken sometime in the 1930s. The original tin ceiling that remains today is visible in the decades-old picture.
Dear Shanko, Thanks for the update and prompt reply! That's great customer service! Thanks Rick Krochka
Thanks for the update and prompt reply!
This email is to let you know that our ordered arrived today as promised. We are very pleased with the shipment. The packaging was very carefully done and did protect the tin tiles. We are impressed with the amount of care and attention given to such a small order. The fedex courier worked perfectly. Thank you for using that service. Our history with courier services out of the states is the brokerage fees are very high and usually charged. Thank you again, Robert and Dale Stannard
HGTV "Dear Genevieve" Shanko thank you so much for supplying the ceiling for this project. Everyone absolutely loved it!! Thanks Eva